
My Current Goals:
1. Finish a 5K Race at my personal best. ~Achieved!
2. Run the Jul 21st 5K Race at a 10-min mile pace or less.
3. Win 3rd Place in my age division.
4. Win 1st Place in my age division.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Run Day 8 ~ I listened.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm crazy for loving to run so much. Especially on days like today, when it was warmer, more humid, and my body wasn't quite up to par. But I do love it. I love it with a passion. I didn't realize just how much I loved it until I wasn't able to run for a few months.

My plan was to try and do Week 4 of the Couch to 5K Running Plan today, which would have been a 3-5-3-5 running interval or a total of 16 minutes running. I wasn't sure if I was ready for it yet, but figured I would give it my best shot. I had run a 3-6-3 interval the last time I ran, so I figured 4 additional minutes of running wouldn't be that big of a deal.

But my muscles weren't ready for it today. In fact, I wound up only running a 3-3-3 interval, or 9 minutes total, which is less than I've done in awhile. It was a long walk home, because I went pretty far in one direction in anticipation of running more on the way back. At one point I wanted to stop and lie down it the grass so badly so I could rest my leg muscles, but I just kept walking, taking longer strides to help stretch out my muscles. I did try to run one more time, just to see how it felt, but it was definitely a no-go. It's one thing to push yourself if you're just tired or have a little ache here or there, quite another if your muscles are telling you they need a break.

I don't know if it's because of the shorts bursts of fast running I did with my daughter yesterday, or something else, but at any rate, I'm glad I decided to listen to my body this time. Tomorrow I will do some type of cross-training, then Friday I will try Week 4 again.

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